If you've been in business more than 6 months, and especially if you've tried some sort of internet marketing, then you'll undoubtedly have a bunch of names and addresses of people who looked, but never bought. Here's a 1 liner email that will really grab their attention and garner a pretty good response rate.

Firstly, I have to admit that this isn't my idea, but I loved it and unashamedly nabbed it to send to all my customers, because I thought it was brilliant. An Aussie firm is using and is, reportedly, doing great things with it. And, let's face it, if they contacted you, then did nothing, what have you got to lose?

What emails get opened?

I get lots of "buy this" emails every day. Most I delete without opening, some I open, scan, and delete. All that effort is just wasted on me. "Make $xxxx in 5 days" is a total yawn - it's all scams trying to make $xxx out of ME in 5 days!

So what DOES get opened? Personal emails - even if they only sound personal. Emails that aren't full of flashy graphics, multiple calls to action, and other obvious "marketing" garbage. They don't have bolded subject lines, with ridiculous claims in them.

How can I reactivate my cold list then?

Glad you asked! Send your cold list an email like this:

Subject: Hi <name>, it's been a while since we spoke

Body: Hi <name>

Do you still need help with your <insert their need/problem>?


<your name>

And you're done! Not convinced it'll work? Feel like adding a "once-in-a-lifetime" offer? DON'T!! Just stick to the text. Think about what the email is doing. It's to THEM, it's not full of BS and hype, and it begs a response. Simple, and you will be amazed how many will answer. Will they all say, "Yes, please help me!". Of course not. But if 1 or 2 do, then you're 1 or 2 customers better off than before with minimal effort.

You have nothing to lose, but a small bottom line....