
CitrusKiwi's Web Design, Internet & Marketing blog

Get hints and tips about web design, SEO, and things internet. We also discuss online security issues, showcase new client websites and offer hints on marketing and networking.

8 online marketing strategies

What are your marketing strategies?  Are they staying up to today’s trends?  Here are some marketing strategies that we use here at CitrusKiwi Web Solutions to help drive traffic to our site and our customers' sites, establish credibility as a company and turn that traffic into sales.

Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

People select from the first or second page of search results.  CitrusKiwi provides ongoing SEO services as part of their Web Solution packages as we see this part almost as critical as the actual website itself.  A fantastic, "all-the-bells-and-whistles" website is useless if it appears on even page 4.

Keyword Research

Discover the words and phrases people are searching for online.  We are addressing this issue even as we are designing the site.  Why wait till after the site's designed and content written?  As the site develops and evolves, we help you continually refine these words and phrases within your site to ensure we are targetting the right keywords and keyphrases.

Social Media

Create buzz around a product, brand or business.  We can get you started or help you identify options.  The savvy businesses are utilizing the major social media players such as Twitter and Facebook.  In our thinking, these are the starting point for any social media campaign.

Video Marketing

Videos help convert visitors into customers.  Videos have a huge impact as testimonials.  People tend to be somewhat sceptical of written testimonials - with good reason sadly.  Audio ones are much better, but video ones are best.

Link Building

Linking strategies imply credibility and popularity.  We find quality links that boost your SEO and get you more traffic.  Link building is an ongoing and, sometimes, slow process.  Beware sites offering "200 PR6-8 links for $<insert dollar amount>".  If you're lucky, you'll only lose your money and not your ranking.


Become a hub of industry information.  Add a blog page to your website and share what you know.  We recommend every client have one.  Yes, they need regular postings, but  your site should be getting regular fresh information anyway.  And with "ping" extensions, your new blog is blasted out to the world as soon as it's written for more traffic.

Web Design utilizing Persuasion Architecture

Easy to navigate and appealing from a marketing sense.  Calls to action throughout your site help prompt sales.  How often do we see sites that are imposible to get around, impossible to find contact information or a "Request more info" form.  Don't make your site unfriendly - you want to encourage your visitors to stay.  Give them information, make them feel important and wanted.  Don't be stingy with your expertise!

Paid Search Marketing

Pay-per-click advertising delivers, but has associated costs.  We need to consider options carefully as badly designed PPC campaigns can cost an awful lot with no results.

Email Marketing

HTML email promotes upcoming events and keeps your name in front of people.  It is quick, inexpensive and effective.  We use a company to handle all this at a very low monthly amount and we include this as part of our Professional and Elite packages.

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