main name renewal scams Questions... Where was your domain name registered, when is it due for renewal, and about how much should you pay for a 1 year renewal (generally)? If you don't know you're a prime candidate for a domain renewal scam.

What's that?

There are many nefarious "companies" (loose use of the word there) who send out fake "Domain Name Renewal" notices. There are generally 2 types - one claiming your domain is expiring and a second that looks, at first glance like the former but is actually for Search Engine submission services. But they're all worded in such a way that, if you don't know, or don't read them properly, they sound like the end of the world (at least the end of yours!). I've posted an example here that just turned up in my mailbox this week. There are many more examples - I did an image search on Google for some - it's here Now, what did your Mom tell you? Don't to talk to strangers and don't open links you don't know! :-) So I won't blame you if you don't... just go to Google and search for "domain renewal scam" and then select images.

For almost all of our clients, we have their domain names in our GoDaddy account (great place to buy domain names, terrible place to host - but that's another topic!). That means they never see an account from the registrar (the company where you register domain names) only from us. We handle the renewal so we know that it won't expire and, with it, their web presence (expired domain name = website offline). If clients ever leave, we simply transfer their domain name to a registrar of their choosing. Yet we still get clients emailing us with these scams asking if they're legit. At least they ask. Paying one of those other services won't get you anything much except poorer. We do Search Engine submissions for free as part of our service so you shouldn't be paying for that. And, if you do "renew" your domain name with them, it won't be renewed.

So, back to the questions. The first 2 are easily answered by going to and entering your domain name ( the https://www. part isn't required) in the box. It'll show you the registrar, initial registration date, last renewal date, and a whole lot more. You'll see an "Expires On" date - that's the date you need to pay by to renew it next. And how much? The typical .com, .org, .net, .biz, etc domains should be around $15 each per year.

Happy renewing!