Social Media Integration for Websites

There's no doubt that social media is here to stay. Early adopters of this trend will remember MySpace, Yahoo 360 and Window Live Spaces to name a few. But, even with a few dying off, there's now more than ever, with even bigger user bases.

Which, what, where, who?

So should your business be on every social media site? Only if you want to spend all day and night on your computer rather than working on your business. There are just too many. So which ones should you be on? We believe there are 3 main ones that you shouldn't be without - Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They all cater for different areas, but all are important.

As part of setting up your website, we can advise on how to go about getting your social media presence started and how to maintain it. Plus we always put links to your pages on your site so visitors can easily find and bookmark you there.

Ongoing maintenance

Generally we don't offer building or ongoing maintenance services for social media, though we do work closely with a company who does this, and just this. However, part of our service can be to set up your website to post to Twitter every time you add and/or edit an article on your site, and then have Twitter post the same to Facebook.

With billions of social media users, you're missing out on a huge potential engagement with customers if you don't use social media tools.  Ask us how we can help your website actively and automatically engage with your social media users.